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Sunday, 2 June 2013

I Entered A Battle With Pain... And Lost

I wish I had something positive to report about my road to recovery but today has been pretty bad. My knee has been incredibly painful and swollen, the bruising has come out a lot more and I have barely been able to move or put weight on it at all. Frozen peas have kept me company for much of the day and I have been dosing up on the maximum amount of pain medication. The same pain medication that caused me to be on the phone to the GP on Friday due to problems with some of the side effects.

As well as this I have had two very painful episodes with what was once my gall bladder. They were very much like my old gall bladder attacks in the type of pain, just as strong but not lasting as long, around 5-10 minutes. I had one of these immediately after coming out of my anaesthetic on Tuesday following my knee surgery and despite being dosed with plenty of morphine the pain cut through enough to bring me to tears and left me writhing in agony. The dihydrocodeines only slightly took the edge off todays pains too.

I'm really quite concerned about what the pain could be. Obviously there is no gall bladder there, but I have read that there can be complications with gallstones still being left in the bile ducts post surgery, or leaking bile ducts, or a spillage of bile during the removal of the gall bladder. There could be a number of reasons for this pain but I'm fairly sure it is more than just part of the healing process. Looks like a phone call to my GP is in order tomorrow. Again.

I had really hoped that this was the end of my gall bladder related troubles but it looks like I may have a little further to go yet. I feel so helpless, it's so frustrating being so sick all of the time and being able to do nothing for myself. I want to move forward not backwards! 


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