What a waste of time...
Apparently they found nothing so I'm being referred back to the surgeon yet again.
The endoscopy itself wasn't the best experience. I tried to have it done without sedation to start and managed at first but then panic set in and I started having a panic attack and couldn't breathe. It doesn't help that I have crap breathing to start with (due to my M.E. I don't take in deeper breaths, my breathing is a lot shallower and quicker - I can't remember the science behind it but it is in one of my medical books from the NHS) and the fact I tend to hold my breath a lot, for example when nervous or scared, or exercising etc.
So I was given oxygen and they offered sedation (they had talked me out of sedation to start with probably because it was late in the day on a Friday and sedation meant I had to stay longer, I dunno), which they told me would only make me slightly drowsy and I would still be able to hear and see what was going on, they told me if I wanted it under general anaesthetic I would have to be re-referred. So I asked for sedation, little did they realise the effect of any kind of sedation on me, I was completely out. Success!
When I came round I was in recovery. The first thing I remember is my arm felt sticky and wet. I looked down and I was covered in blood, my arm was drenched, there was a pool of blood on the bed, and the cannula from where I had the sedative injected was just dripping blood. There were no nurses about and my other arm was hooked to the blood pressure machine which chose to take my blood pressure at that moment. I was drowsy as hell and I remember wiggling the clip on my finger so the blood pressure monitor couldn't get a reading so it would keep beeping and hoping a nurse would come over.
Finally one came over and said the top had come off the cannula so she gave me a tissue and told me to press on my arm, but being so drowsy and with the damn blood pressure thing stealing my arm again I couldn't. She finally came back with gloves and took the cannula out and dressed my arm, leaving me caked in blood.
Not long after my pains started up. I hadn't had this pain for around 2 weeks, since the time I was meant to return to work but ended up unable to. I was in agony, the nurse asked what I normally take so I told her, she asked if I had any and I said no. Then she left me to struggle on. Finally after about 15 mins the pain eased off. Another nurse came over soon after, noticed my arm, cleaned me up and said I could go home.
I'm glad that's over, but now I'm worried what else I will have to go through to find the source of my pain. One thing that does seem interesting is how every time I have had an anaesthetic or sedative I get an attack of the pain upon coming round. Coincidence? I'm not sure and will be mentioning to my doctor. But then I do get the pains at other random times. So I don't know. It just seems strange how my most painful attacks of pain are after anything like this. Last night I tried to read up on the drugs they use to see if they are in the same family as anything I have been taking since the op, but I was too drowsy last night to make sense of anything.
It's so frustrating. I start to feel like my pain is gone, then it will flare up again. But I'm getting no answers despite all of the procedures they send me for. At least the pain is only every few weeks now, instead of every few days or even hours like it was at first. Maybe it's just severe bouts of post-op pain, but I would expect that to be localised pain, not pain that shoots about my whole stomach, right hand side, back, chest and upto my right shoulder.
Answers on a postcard please! Because it's more than I'm getting from the hospital...
Apparently they found nothing so I'm being referred back to the surgeon yet again.
The endoscopy itself wasn't the best experience. I tried to have it done without sedation to start and managed at first but then panic set in and I started having a panic attack and couldn't breathe. It doesn't help that I have crap breathing to start with (due to my M.E. I don't take in deeper breaths, my breathing is a lot shallower and quicker - I can't remember the science behind it but it is in one of my medical books from the NHS) and the fact I tend to hold my breath a lot, for example when nervous or scared, or exercising etc.
So I was given oxygen and they offered sedation (they had talked me out of sedation to start with probably because it was late in the day on a Friday and sedation meant I had to stay longer, I dunno), which they told me would only make me slightly drowsy and I would still be able to hear and see what was going on, they told me if I wanted it under general anaesthetic I would have to be re-referred. So I asked for sedation, little did they realise the effect of any kind of sedation on me, I was completely out. Success!
When I came round I was in recovery. The first thing I remember is my arm felt sticky and wet. I looked down and I was covered in blood, my arm was drenched, there was a pool of blood on the bed, and the cannula from where I had the sedative injected was just dripping blood. There were no nurses about and my other arm was hooked to the blood pressure machine which chose to take my blood pressure at that moment. I was drowsy as hell and I remember wiggling the clip on my finger so the blood pressure monitor couldn't get a reading so it would keep beeping and hoping a nurse would come over.
Finally one came over and said the top had come off the cannula so she gave me a tissue and told me to press on my arm, but being so drowsy and with the damn blood pressure thing stealing my arm again I couldn't. She finally came back with gloves and took the cannula out and dressed my arm, leaving me caked in blood.
Not long after my pains started up. I hadn't had this pain for around 2 weeks, since the time I was meant to return to work but ended up unable to. I was in agony, the nurse asked what I normally take so I told her, she asked if I had any and I said no. Then she left me to struggle on. Finally after about 15 mins the pain eased off. Another nurse came over soon after, noticed my arm, cleaned me up and said I could go home.
I'm glad that's over, but now I'm worried what else I will have to go through to find the source of my pain. One thing that does seem interesting is how every time I have had an anaesthetic or sedative I get an attack of the pain upon coming round. Coincidence? I'm not sure and will be mentioning to my doctor. But then I do get the pains at other random times. So I don't know. It just seems strange how my most painful attacks of pain are after anything like this. Last night I tried to read up on the drugs they use to see if they are in the same family as anything I have been taking since the op, but I was too drowsy last night to make sense of anything.
It's so frustrating. I start to feel like my pain is gone, then it will flare up again. But I'm getting no answers despite all of the procedures they send me for. At least the pain is only every few weeks now, instead of every few days or even hours like it was at first. Maybe it's just severe bouts of post-op pain, but I would expect that to be localised pain, not pain that shoots about my whole stomach, right hand side, back, chest and upto my right shoulder.
Answers on a postcard please! Because it's more than I'm getting from the hospital...
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